Welcome to the AutoTempest Blog. Let’s find your next car.
Andrew Maness June 11, 2015

Why do we spend countless hours online looking at vehicles?

Because we love them and we have a boundless curiosity for all things automotive.

Why don’t we frequently buy vehicles we love?

Because we want the best deal possible and feel like that deal could be just around the corner.

These are questions I think many enthusiasts can relate to and have probably asked themselves on more than one occasion. Spending hours looking at hundreds of vehicles when you can only reasonably afford one, if at all, may sound crazy, but that’s exactly what myself and many automotive enthusiasts do. We do it because we want to have the clearest picture possible of what’s on the market and what the market is doing. AutoTempest makes it ridiculously easy and efficient to get that picture and find what you’re looking for on a regular basis. We make it the best tool it can be for both auto enthusiasts and shoppers alike.

We care about the people who use AutoTempest and we want you to get the most out of your car buying and driving experience. We hate to see anyone get a bad deal on a car, or worse, end up in the wrong car all together. All too often we hear stories from friends, colleagues, and the occasional stranger about how they think they could have gotten more for their money, think buying a car is too complicated, or, worst of all, don’t care about what they’re driving.

Even with all information and tools available today, many people still place buying a car near the top of their list of “pain in the ass purchases,” right under buying a house and getting a last minute international plane ticket. And you know what? Buying a car is a big deal, but it doesn’t have to be a pain in the ass. Buying a car can, and should, be a fun process, because ultimately a car should bring joy into a person’s life. It doesn’t have to be a new car. It doesn’t even have to be that nice of a car. It just has to be the right car. That’s what we want people to take away from this blog.

So how do we intend to guide people to the right vehicle and do our best to make sure they don’t overspend?

By sharing what we’ve learned through years of being auto enthusiasts and developers of the top-rated used car search on the web. Sometimes this information will come from exhaustive data searches in the back end of the AutoTempest site, sometimes it will come from first hand experiences, and sometimes it will come from our peers. Our objective is to bring you the most useful information needed for shopping and present it clearly. Sounds obvious but we think that all too often the stuff that is important to most buyers gets lost in a sea of industry jargon. We’re regular people who love cars, we want to encourage more people to love cars, and we think the best way to do that is show them how to get the right one for their lifestyle.

This blog will be a collaborative effort between myself and the team of talented individuals who run AutoTempest.

The AutoTempest team is made up of good, honest, and hardworking Canadian folk whose mission is to make finding your perfect vehicle fast and easy. I, on the other hand, am a native Vermonter who moved to Los Angeles because I heard they respect a person’s right to have some leisure time. California and car culture have been synonymous since the inception of the automobile, so it only makes sense that I found myself working in the automotive industry, despite moving here to pursue a career in entertainment.

I have spent the majority of my life soaking up every aspect of car culture that I possibly can. Prior to the internet, I read Auto Digest on a monthly basis to look at cars I couldn’t possibly afford just so I knew what was out there. I think of myself as a car guy instead of a gear head or wrench. To me, car people appreciate all aspects of automotive culture but what they really love is the car itself and how it makes them feel. While I like to do the occasional bit of work on a car with my own two hands, I don’t enjoy it nearly as much as talking about what makes the car special. I’ve scrubbed an engine bay clean, but would I rather take pictures of one instead? Damn right I would. I could wax poetic about a beautiful car all day long, but when it comes time to discuss how a lower drag coefficient is what dictated the design choices, I’ll excuse myself from the conversation. The aura of a vehicle is what interests me above all else: the vibe it puts out and its place in the world.

If you can stomach taking advice from an ’80s baby who has a soft spot for performance SUVs and could count the number of times he’s changed his own oil on two hands then I think you’ll like it here. The AutoTempest Blog may not bring you the latest breaking news in the automotive world or feature the millionth head to head showdown between a Mustang and a Camaro but I promise you it’ll offer honest content that will always be produced with the reader’s best interests in mind.

I encourage anyone with suggestions, questions or comments to reach out via the email link in my bio section below or the contact link in the header. I welcome your input, though I’ll ignore any requests for content related to the Prius. The Prius is devoid of any soul and is responsible for all sorts of horrible cultural norms now found in our society. Want to save the planet? Great, start by educating yourself and realizing that the Prius is the biggest con pulled off by an automaker since malaise era “muscle cars”. If you want to go green, get a Ford C-Max. There’s your first piece of advice. There’s a whole lot more where that came from and we look forward to sharing it with you.

Andrew Maness Head Writer

Native New Englander currently residing in Los Angeles. I like to go fast and tell stories, sometimes from behind a camera, sometimes in front of one.